Internationalisation Plan
ACUP’s main goal, within its international role, is to support the Catalan public universities in their internationalisation activities around the world, always seeking quality and global commitment.
In order to achieve a successful internationalisation, joint mechanisms and strategies as an integrated public university system have to be set and promoted. Catalonia has to become an international referent for its university capabilities in quality training, excellent scientific research and innovation at the service of progress, both for its country and citizens and the international community.
The Plan 2017-2020 has a smaller format, less strategies and a time-frame of 4 years with the objective of being more operative and achievable. Each year, ACUP’s International Relations Commission will elaborate an Operative Plan, where the activities to be developed will be prioritized.
In the Plan 2017-2020, the number of priorities is the same as in the previous Plan, although the titles and the contents have been adapted to the new context:
- Training for a global citizenship
- International research and innovation
- Global social commitment
- Catalan culture in the world
- Communication and international visibility
- International observatory
The Plan’s final objective is to promote training and research aligned with global values, innovative and socially committed and which can position Catalonia as the referent area of university excellence in Southern Europe.

Catalan public universities have issued a joint and proactive response to meet the challenges of the current global society