Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Africa - Technipedia
The 'Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Africa - Technipedia' project aims to strengthen the economy of the African countries by improving knowledge transfer between universities and companies. In close collaboration with the African universities members of the Interuniversity Consortium of University Management (CIGU) the project will promote entrepreneurship and innovation through the creation of a virtual platform called Technipedia and the development of a guide to improve the transfer of knowledge from universities to the African economy and society.
The virtual platform Technipedia
The 'Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Africa - Technipedia' project aims to strengthen the economy of the African countries by improving knowledge transfer between universities and companies. In close collaboration with the African universities members of the Interuniversity Consortium of University Management (CIGU) the project will promote entrepreneurship and innovation through the creation of a virtual platform called Technipedia and the development of a guide to improve the transfer of knowledge from universities to the African economy and society.
The virtual platform Technipedia will serve as an instrument of support for entrepreneurship. The main aim is to provide technological and economic information and examples of good practices to contribute in this way to strengthen the culture of technology to promote a culture of entrepreneurship and foster the creation of innovative companies. In addition, it wants to facilitate the exchange of information between entrepreneurs and crerate an entrepeneurs network. Likewise, Technipedia will contribute directly to the create a stronger network of small and medium enterprises and will serve as background information for anyone with creative potential whith the aim of developing his own project using concrete data, analysis, etc..
Moreover, the "Practical Guide to improve the transfer of knowledge from universities to the African economy and society" will strengthen the institutional capacities of African universities and promote knowledge transfer units in various institutions of higher education. The guide will serve as a basis for training and professional development of university managers responsible for university-business relations.
The project has the support of the Spanish Agency for Development Cooperation (AECID) and the Obra Social of the 'la Caixa' Foundation.