Projectes finalitzats

  • Cycle organized by the Palau Macaya of "la Caixa" under the coordination of the Catalan Association of Public Universities (ACUP) and the scientific direction of Daniel Innerarity, director of Globernance, Institute of Democratic Governance.

  • The RecerCaixa programme was created to promote scientific research of excellence in Catalonia and to make science and research accessible to the general public, involving them in the progress and impact of science on society.
  • Under the Inter-University Consortium of University Management (CIGU) was developed during the year 2009 the project Institutional Development and Management Training College (DIGU). This project...

  • Mastermind Europe was set up to respond to the need for a better way to decide which students are suitable for which Master’s programme. Fewer and fewer Master’s programmes have one specific Bachelor’s programme to which they ‘belong’.

  • The cycle organized by the Palau Macaya of ”la Caixa” under the coordination of the ACUP and the scientific direction of Prof. Emeritus and trustee of the University of Girona Joan Manuel del Pozo

  • In order to show the public the results of scientific research undertaken by faculty and research staff, the ACUP has, since 2008, promoted a series of lectures which have involved more than twenty prominent researchers from public universities and research centres.
  • The Interuniversity Consortium for University Management (CIGU) was created within the framework of the University Cooperation Program with Africa. Through the CIGU, various university cooperation projects are carried out with the aim of establishing long-term collaboration links between Catalan universities and African universities that are members of the consortium in order to strengthen their capacities in the fields. training, research and knowledge transfer.
  • The Haiti Cooperation Program is the result of extensive prior work to identify the needs of Haitian universities and local governments by the ACUP with the support of the “la Caixa” Foundation.
  • The Catalan Association of Public Universities (ACUP) presents the second phase of ESDU project, an initiative led by the Solidarity Foundation (FAS) of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) to...

  • Catalan public universities promote recognition of the role of higher education in development and help create strong universities in partner countries.

  • No one today questions that higher education, research and innovation are essential factors for the economic and social development of our society and the world. In the case of developing countries, in order to foster economic growth and social welfare, it is even more necessary to have highly qualified professionals with the capacity to innovate and to generate and adapt knowledge and technologies to their specific national context.
  • The Catalan Association of Public Universities (ACUP) participates as Associate Partner in the 'Entrepreneurship, Ressources, Management, Innovation and Technologies (ERMIT)' program.

  • The seminar aims to contribute to present the experiences of other European countries in the field of dual training in higher education. It also aims to study this type of training from the...

  • HEIRRI is a European project H2020 that aimed to integrate the concept of "Responsible Research and Innovation" (RRI) in university degrees in science and technology, so that research and innovation meet the needs, values ​​and expectations of society.
  • The study on the contribution of Catalan universities to regional development, promoted by the OECD, aims to improve the contribution of higher education centres to the economic, social and cultural progress of their respective territories and contribute in turn to strengthen relationships between universities and economic and social agents.
  • The Catalan public universities, ACUP members, work together to support refugees.
  • Promoted by the European Commission, the European Drivers for a Regional Innovation Platform aims to improve cooperation between universities, the private sector and regional governments at a time when universities are called to play a role central to the new society and knowledge economy.
  • The European Mastermind project aims to improve the national and European mobility of master's students, moving from an admission model based on the recognition of qualifications to a competency-based admission.

  • On 28 November took place the launch of the IDEA - Innovative Approaches to Doctoral Education ( website at the general conference of the International Association of Universities...

  • The EnRRICH project (Enhancing Responsible Research and Innovation through Curricula in Higher Education) aims to improve the capacity of students and staff in higher education to enhance the involvement of society in the whole research process.

  • The Catalan public universities analyse the impact of university activity on society and the economy. It is a pioneering initiative in Catalonia and the rest of Spain that seeks to provide extensive information on the impact of university activity on society and the economy of Catalonia.
  • The aim of the course is to provide tools to recent and former students to acquire skills and knowledge on key concepts to carry out a business project, but also very useful for professional practice.

  • The 'Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Africa - Technipedia' project aims to strengthen the economy of the African countries by improving knowledge transfer between universities and companies. In...
  • The TEFCE project will directly contribute to this new agenda by proposing a framework for a common European approach to community engagement in higher education.

  • The White Paper on the University of Catalonia offers a structure for a common framework for Catalan public universities to build a collective and cooperative strategy to position the Catalan university system as a role model for southern Europe. The paper offers 64 strategies and 73 specific projects to be implemented in order to build this university system of quality and international reference.
  • Context With the recent collaboration agreement between the Catalan Agency for Development Cooperation (ACCD) and the Catalan Association of Public Universities (ACUP) ACCD expresses its willingness...
  • In 2013, the ACUP participated, together with the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) and Kenyatta University, in the LEADHER program of the International Association of Universities (IAU) which promotes cooperation in learning in through international university consortia among its members. This program, which focuses on both North-South and South-South cooperation, focused in 2013 on strengthening the research capacity and management of the institutions involved.
  • The map of university cooperation is promoted by the ACUP to give greater visibility to the cooperation activities carried out at the university level and to locate geographically the scope of action of university cooperation while providing specific data on all each of the projects.
  • The DIGU project aimed to establish stable relationships with African universities, strengthen the institutional capacities of participating universities through training courses and stays of managers and managers, encourage the exchange of experiences and good practices and establish a network. of knowledge among the participants.
  • Universities open their doors to primary school students and their families with the Children’s University of Catalonia Programme (, known as the Universitat dels Nens i les Nenes de Catalunya. It is an initiative that aims to introduce children to the scientific and academic world, awakening their interest in science, culture and knowledge.