The Global University Network for Innovation is an International network created in 1999 within the framework of the UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Programme, by UNESCO, UNU and the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) after UNESCO's World Conference on Higher Education in 1998 to give continuity to and facilitate the implementation of its main decisions.
The ACUP towards the 2030 Agenda and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
L’ACUP, en la seva vocació internacional, té com a finalitat recolzar les universitat públiques catalanes en les seves activitats d’internacionalització i de projecció del sistema universitari públic de Catalunya arreu del món, perseguint els objectius de qualitat i compromís global.
The Internationalisation Plan of the Catalan Public Universities 2017-2020 is the second plan elaborated by ACUP, and to a great extent it develops from the first one which was presented at the beginning of 2010. The new Plan has been developed in a framework of rethinking and reshaping global ideas and values and has been elaborated from the experience and lessons learnt from its previous version 2010-2015.
One of the key strategies of ACUP’s International Relations Plan is to strengthen the international presence in forums, fairs, international organizations and supranational institutions to promote new alliances and promote the Catalan public university system.
One of the most important activities carried out by ACUP, within the International Relations Plan, is to promote the Catalan university system in the world and, at the same time, learn from other university systems.
The main objective of TeRRIFICA is to influence citizens to influence climate change mitigation and adaptation policies through a series of responsible research and innovation (RRI) actions and the co-creation of knowledge between relevant actors from six European pilot regions.
The DECODE project aims to promote the institutionalization of sustainable development (SD) in university faculties and departments.
Catalan public universities, members of the ACUP, work together to support refugees
SHEFCE aims to encourage the involvement of European universities, legislators and stakeholders to incorporate community engagement into higher education.
Internationalization in Higher Education for Society (IHES) is a European project of the Erasmus + program through which the University introduces internationalization to its social commitment to the territory and opens the activities of internationalization in the local world, including all areas of the university such as education, research, and also the field of university extension.
The FRAMES project aims to promote a harmonized implementation and accreditation of virtual exchange, as an integral part of (combined) approaches to mobility between European higher education institutions, making the European Higher Education Area more innovative. , intercultural and resilient.
The CHARM-EU (Challenge-driven, Accessible, Research-Based and Mobile European University) is an alliance formed by five research-based universities.