IHES project - Internationalization of Higher Education for Society
Internationalization in Higher Education for Society (IHES) is a European project of the Erasmus + program through which the University introduces internationalization to its social commitment to the territory and opens the activities of internationalization in the local world, including all areas of the university such as education, research, and also the field of university extension.
With the aim that internationalization not only focuses on the staff and students of the University, the URV and the Palacký University Olomouc, in the Czech Republic, they will implement a series of activities, each in its own territorial area, and will have with other partner organizations in the framework of the project.
Thus, the Catalunya IHES Lab and the Olomouc IHES Lab will be created, which will be used to test the activities. That is why the staff of the Office of Social Commitment, the URV Student Office and the International Center have designed, with the help of the course, a series of activities that include the internationalization component. and the social component and which will be offered to society during the 2021-22 academic year. Once completed, their impact will be evaluated and re-offered during the following courses.
The expected results of the project are the publication of a report on good practice in the Internationalization of Higher Education for Society in Europe; a report on the concept, implementation and results of IHES regional laboratories in Catalonia and the Olomouc region; a guide to implementing IHES; the development of a regional IHES implementation model and the creation of a network of IHES organizations.
Palacký University Olomouc is the coordinating university for the project, which also includes Rovira i Virgili University; the Generalitat de Catalunya with the Secretary of Universities and Research; SGroup Universities in Europe, the Association for Academic Cooperation; the Lifelong Learning Platform in Belgium; the Global Impact Institute, and the Olomouc region in the Czech Republic.
The Catalan Association of Public Universities (ACUP) participates as an associate partner.
For further information, please visit the website www.ihes.upol.cz and follow IHES on Social Media @IHES_tweets and IHES project a LinkedIn