Promotion of the Education for Development at university
The Catalan Association of Public Universities (ACUP) presents the second phase of ESDU project, an initiative led by the Solidarity Foundation (FAS) of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) to promote an approach to Education for Development (EPD) at University. The new phase includes actions to exten of the scope of the project in Catalonia and proposals that conform to the international context set by the Agenda 2030 of the United Nations.
Since 2013-14 the project promotes actions to influence the formation of the students, to improve the teaching quality and innovation, and
The Catalan Association of Public Universities (ACUP) presents the second phase of ESDU project, an initiative led by the Solidarity Foundation (FAS) of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) to promote an approach to Education for Development (EPD) at University. The new phase includes actions to exten of the scope of the project in Catalonia and proposals that conform to the international context set by the Agenda 2030 of the United Nations.
Since 2013-14 the project promotes actions to influence the formation of the students, to improve the teaching quality and innovation, and promotes a set of participatory processes geared to the design and implementation of formulas integration of curricular EPD at the Autonomous University of Barcelona and other Catalan public universities.
The second phase of commitment aims to give continuity to many of the actions carried out during the last two years and incorporates others to suit the expansion project and the new international context set by the Agenda 2030 United Nations. The phase has the aim of enhancing the role of universities in generating critical knowledge and the creation of active and committed citizens in situations of injustice at the local level - global.
The strategy of networking remains a central element of the project. That is why, in the field of Catalan public universities have planned two editions of the Inter-University Seminar with stakeholders on this occasion with the participation of international initiatives to forge new alliances and work from a perspective glocal (global / local). The result of the work done at previous seminars, in recent months has launched the Working Group on Education for Sustainable Development attached to the ACUP to design mechanisms for effective implementation and institutionalization of the EPD graduate studies.
The project is supported by the City Council. Participating schools and faculties of universities, professors from different areas of knowledge, students and technical staff of the offices of university cooperation and organizations with expertise in EPD, among others. EPD initiatives ACUP also receive the support of the Catalan Agency for Development Cooperation.
You can find more information here.