DECODE project - European Deans Council for Designing Sustainability Impact Roadmaps
The DECODE project aims to promote the institutionalization of sustainable development (SD) in university faculties and departments.
DECODE is an Erasmus+ project KA203 - Cooperation for Innovation and the exchange of good practices, Strategic partnerships for higher education - lasting 3 years, which will end in August 2023. Its main objective is to promote the institutionalization of sustainable development ( DS) in the faculties and university departments, an inescapable issue to face the challenges we have as a society.
To this end, the project:
- It aims to facilitate the identification and understanding of key challenges and opportunities in the integration of DS at the faculty and department level through a study / mapping of the state of the issue (including interviews with representatives from across Europe and a collection of literature).
- It aims to create a "community" of deans and other representatives of the academic unit, the "Deans Council and Platform", which encourages interaction, collaboration and peer learning.
- It will dissect the complex task of DS integration with a "DECODE Toolkit": a set of tools and good practices to support systemic change in faculties and departments.
- It will foster skills needed among deans to integrate the DS as the cornerstone of the “DECODE Impact Pathways and Impact Roadmaps Framework”.
- It will create a training program, the DECODE Empowerment Program for Impact Roadmap Design, aimed at providing deans and other representatives with the appropriate knowledge, skills and tools to design a specific impact roadmap in the faculty or department.
The partners of the project are ACEEU, the Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, the Universiteit Twente, the Rigas Tehniska Universitate and the Catalan Association of Public Universities (ACUP).
From ACUP we coordinate the communication and dissemination of the project, as well as the training program "DECODE Empowerment Program for Impact Roadmap Design".
Please visit the website of the project for further information and follow DECODE on Social Media @DECODEproject_ and Decode-Sustainability-Project LinkedIn.