12th Symposium CIDUI 2022: Learning in the university of today: renovation or revolution?
12th Symposium CIDUI 2022: Learning in the university of today: renovation or revolution?
The 30th of June we will celebrate the 12th Symposium CIDUI 2022 at Campus Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
Today, the change in the spaces and realities of higher education institutions is already a fact that we need to manage and lead in the best possible direction. The university is training citizens and professionals who will be involved in this changing present, but also in building the society of the future.
The key teaching processes do not only go through the classic concept of the classroom, but also call for other spaces and levels of participation, face-to-face and non-face-to-face, which are also crucial in facilitating this training. However, it must be recognised that the transformations are also making difficulties to ensure the necessary engage between students and the university, so managing these processes within universities makes dialogue and feedback with students a key element.
The aim of this edition of the Symposium entitled “Learning in the university of today: renovation or revolution?” is open a workspace where analyse and discuss how we can adopt strategies in all areas (institutional, students, faculty and administrative staff) that ensure a learning process and a quality engage between students and the university institution.
This premise will be developed from a first plenary session that will place the elements of debate, and then to formulate concrete action proposals through three parallel and debate sessions (between institutional government teams, students, faculty, administrative and managment staff…) each focused on a specific aspect:
- Work session 1: Proposals regarding the adaptation of technological resources.
- Work session 2: Proposals related to teaching and learning methodologies.
- Work session 3: Proposals on flexible educational paths and participation models for students with diverse profiles.
Campus Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Aula Magna, Facultat de Dret (Edifici B, 08193 Bellaterra)