Delfí Robinat
Chief Executive Officer and co-owner of the family business Casa Delfín. President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Tàrrega.
He studied business at the School of Commercial Studies of the University of Barcelona and completed his education with courses in marketing and business administration and management at the ESADE Business School. In 1989 he joined the family firm CASA DELFIN in Tàrrega and turned it into a leading national firm specialised in equipment for the hotel industry. In 1996, the firm created the brand CULINARIUM and developed a retail sales network for household goods throughout Catalonia.
He has been president of the Tàrrega Chamber of Commerce and Industry since 16 June 2010, a member of the Plenary Assembly of the General Council of Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Services and Navigation of Catalonia, a member of the General Council of the Consortium for Trade, Crafts and Fashion of the Government of Catalonia and also a member of the governing bodies of the GLOBALleida Consortium.