Joan Guàrdia
Joan Guàrdia Olmos is Rector of the University of Barcelona since January 12, 2021. Full Professor at the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Barcelona (Spain) has been teaching since 1984 on the topics of the research methodology in psychology. Doctor of Psychology from the same university, he did postgraduate studies in Statistical Data Analysis at the University of Essex (England). During this period, he has participated in more than thirty doctorate courses (national and international), is a visiting professor at various universities and has given more than one hundred seminars in areas of his research activity in European and American universities. His research activity has led him to the direction of more than twenty doctoral theses, both in his own university and in others, and to the presentation of more than 250 communications in Congresses and scientific meetings, as well as the publication of more than 40 books and chapters and finally to the generation of more than 250 scientific articles, of which more than 200 in indexed journals and more than 180 in own journals of the Journal Citation Reports. He is currently the coordinator responsible for the Consolidated Research Group (SGR 266) on Quantitative Psychology ( and also for the Consolidated Teaching Innovation Group on Learning Statistics ( He has held various academic positions in university management both at his university and at other institutions. He is also an evaluator of different calls and programs of various national and international evaluation agencies.