Education for Sustainable Development (EpDS)
Project to promote a shared vision of the ESD in the Catalan university system and help to create structures that facilitate the introduction to different levels and create incentives and recognition systems, facilitating the design of a joint educational proposal and establish a system of indicators to measure its impact.
On February 18, 2016 the constituent meeting of the working group on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) attached to the Commission for Social Responsibility University (RSU) of the Catalan Association of Public Universities (ACUP) was held.
Comprised of academic cooperation and development vice presidents and technical personnel responsible for the promotion of ESD in Catalan public universities, this working group aims to promote the institutionalization of the ESD at the universities of the ACUP. Specifically, the group wants to promote a shared vision of the ESD in the Catalan university system and help to create structures that facilitate the introduction to different levels and create incentives and recognition systems, facilitating the design of a joint educational proposal and establish a system of indicators to measure its impact.
The first working group meeting served to analyze and discuss different concepts and traditions of the ESD, and to share the experiences of the member universities of the ACUP to find points of collaboration and identify common lines of work. In this sense, the discussion of the working group was based on the results of work done in the inter-university seminars driven by FAS in collaboration with the ACUP from the course 2014/2015, where teachers from different Catalan public university representatives social organizations, staff offices university cooperation and representatives of public administration, determined four areas of intervention and various lines of work with the final aim of incorporating the ESD at Catalan public universities. The results of the meeting have been very positive since all universities have helped shape a roadmap that will advance the institutionalization of the ESD at Catalan public universities.
The initiative is part of the project "Education for Sustainable Development at the University" (ESDU) driven by the Solidarity Autonomous Foundation (FAS), in collaboration with the ACUP and funded by the City of Barcelona, as well as the cooperation agreement between ACUP and the Catalan Agency for Development Cooperation.